These products can help improve work health and safety
There are many ways to keep a business safe. For starters, having insurance shields business owners from the financial impacts of accidents and calamities such as fires, earthquakes and floods. However, all these precautions and safety measures will not mean a thing if you do not protect the heart of the business – the people. By using safety products that can be produced by the team at Jennings Print around your premises, you are taking a proactive step in ensuring the safety of your customers, clients and, of course, employees.
Which safety products do you need for your business?
As a business owner, it would help to know the safety measures that you need to keep everything and everyone around you safe. These basic safety products should be present in any store, restaurant, small office and other commercial establishments:
- Emergency exit signs
- Wet floor signs
- Site or perimeter signage
- Plans and schematic diagrams
- Reflective stickers
- Safety tags
- Safety books
- Safety handbooks and other PVC notebooks

Emergency exit signs
These are some of the most common safety products one can find in business establishments. They come in handy when a fire gets out of hand quickly or in the aftermath of an earthquake.
Whenever there is a need to evacuate a building, these emergency exit signs should be able to inform people inside the structure of the nearest emergency exits. The signs also contain general evacuation procedures and detailed instructions, including how to open doors, how to break open the fire cabinet and other life-saving information.
Having a clearly marked exit route could lessen panic and chaos amongst your staff and customers as they evacuate the building. If you invest in high-quality emergency exit signs, you could possibly be saving countless lives.

Wet floor signs
The Australian Bureau of Statistics has recorded slips and falls as the sixth leading cause of workplace injuries. From July 2017 to June 2018, 15.5% of suffered injuries from slipping and falling in the workplace. These accidents can very well be prevented with the use of proper signs and warnings.
Wet floor signs should be a must in restaurants and hotel kitchens, fish markets and supermarkets, or anywhere that has a wet spot on the floor, or often has wet floors due to the nature of the business. Wet floor signs can be placed permanently on walls as a general warning, after spills, or when cleaning the floor.

Site or perimeter signage
Construction and other work sites need different kinds of signs for the protection of their staff, as well as visitors. A good construction site sign should make available the proper attire, including head and footgear. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is now commonly incorporated in these signs almost everywhere.
Danger and warning signs, such as high voltage and keep out signs, are also included in this safety product category. These signs can be made using aluminium panels, vinyl, corrugated polypropylene and other plastics to withstand extreme weather conditions and the toughest environments. Warning messages can also be customised for your business.

Plans and schematic diagrams
A good workplace should have plans for easy navigation and orderly evacuation. Floor and site plans, as well as schematic diagrams, help pinpoint a specific location easily. They come in handy, especially when an electrical problem and other hazards have been identified and need to be fixed immediately.
At Jennings Print, floor and site plans and schematic drawings can be made up to 130cm wide in full colour or black and white print. They are usually made using plastic and other tough materials and can be laminated to provide added protection.

Reflective stickers
Work areas with low visibility require special tools to ensure the safety of their employees. Reflective stickers work great in these areas, and they can ensure that warning and other hazard signs can be seen clearly even with low light. They can also be applied to vehicles to make them highly visible.
Reflective stickers come in different shapes and sizes and can be made with full-colour graphics. They are a creative and affordable way to promote your brand and other custom requirements.

Safety tags
Accidents happen when you least expect them. Keep these from happening by using safety tags for hazardous or potentially hazardous situations to prevent them from occurring. These situations can be unexpected, out of the ordinary or not readily discernible. Safety tags contain a signal word and major message, such as danger, biohazard, biological hazard, or symbols. Use them until the hazardous operation is completed or the identified threat has been eliminated.
Available in a range of colours and materials, these safety products can be customised to meet your specific needs. They are sturdy, waterproof and resistant to tearing.

Safety books
Safety books ensure you never miss a single step in your operation. You can customise your pre-start checklist books, status report books, risk management books, and other safety books. Companies that subcontract their operations can also benefit from this by providing detailed checklists and pre-work statements to their subcontractors.

Safety handbooks and other PVC notebooks
Safety handbooks are in place to ensure the safe operation of any machinery and tools, as well as proper handling of chemicals and food. They also contain information, policies, instructions, procedures and safe conduct specific to a workplace.
Choose from Take 5 and hazard report books, Stop, Look, Assess, Manage books (SLAM books), Be Safe books and other PVC notebooks. They are sturdy and can be custom made with pockets, panels and leaves that suit your requirements.
Choose Jennings Print – a safety product provider with 45+ years of experience
When it comes to your safety products, you should only trust an experienced supplier. Jennings Print has been in the business for more than 45 years, so you can rest easy knowing we have what it takes to survive this long. We’ll be able to help you customise emergency and warning signs, safety handbooks, reflective stickers and other safety products.
We also provide promotional marketing materials such as catalogues, flyers, corporate stationery, pull-up banners and posters. In addition, our in-house graphic designers are on hand to help with your branding needs and our team is known to create striking designs that clients from different industries love.
Give us a call on 02 4933 5735 or email to learn more about how we can serve you. Alternatively, request a quote by clicking here today and we will get back to you.