White Ribbon Day is Australia’s largest awareness day to prevent men’s violence against women. In Australia, one woman a week is killed at the hands of a current or former partner, while one in two women experience sexual harassment during their lifetime. Violence against women is at epidemic levels in Australia. It takes all of us, together as a community, to say ‘no’, and end men’s violence against women. Join Jennings Print this White Ribbon Day, Friday 23rd November, in bringing awareness to this issue and to encourage other Australians to stand up, speak out and act.

This White Ribbon Day, Jennings Print will continue their long-term support of domestic violence prevention with a cash donation and gifting of print services to local domestic violence and homelessness service provider Carrie’s Place. Carrie’s Place is a well-respected domestic violence and homelessness service that has been operating for over 30 years in the Maitland district offering a safe haven for families when they need it most. With crisis accommodation, counselling, support programs, advocacy and education programs, Carrie’s Place literally saves lives.

If you too would like to support White Ribbon to help break the cycle of violence against women, check out the below suggestions or visit https://www.whiteribbon.org.au/
Wear a white ribbon or wristband
The simplest thing you can do is to wear a white ribbon or wristband. They show the world that you oppose men’s violence against women. They are also a great way to start the conversation with your friends, family and colleagues.
Take the White Ribbon Oath
Take the White Ribbon Oath online or with a group of people. Encourage your mates to take the White Ribbon Oath. Together we can encourage all men across Australia to take this oath and live by its values every day.
Spread the message
There are many ways you can help spread the White Ribbon message. Here are some ideas:
- Attend, support or organise a White Ribbon event
- Donate to White Ribbon
- Talk to your friends, relatives and work mates about men’s violence against women
- Get involved in White Ribbon violence prevention programs
- Join in the conversation on social media
- Volunteer for White Ribbon – Raise awareness and funds by selling ribbons and wristbands
For more advice on how you can help, email admin@whiteribbon.org.au or call 02 9045 8444

Find help:
Carrie’s Place Maitland
Office hours: 02 4934 2585
After hours: 02 4933 1960
1800RESPECT Domestic Violence Hotline
1800 737 732
For all immediate safety concerns ring 000.